

CHEMICAL SECTOR DECARBONIZATION Leading the Way with Advanced Biomethane and Biofuel Solutions  

Aware of the industry’s significant carbon footprint and energy demands, we aim to help the chemical sector in their decarbonization journey.

Our tailored solutions are designed to effectively reduce GHG emissions across Scope 1, 2 and 3 (downstream and upstream), while also enhancing efficiency and environmental performance. Explore our comprehensive range of services, including RNG, biofuels derived from sustainable bio-feedstock, renewable energy procurement, and compliance schemes; all designed to meet the unique needs of your chemical business. 

Our offering to decarbonize the chemical industry

Our range of solutions encompasses everything from biofuels and feedstock to implementing electrification and complying with the EU ETS. These solutions are all designed with the goal of supporting your sustainability targets and boosting your business performance. Our comprehensive offerings include:

Renewable Gas Procurement for Scopes 1 and 3 

Mitigate Scope 1 and 3 emissions in your chemical processes using Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) solutions. Our expertise revolves around the utilization of RNG and biofuels to produce high-value chemicals (HVCs), ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen. We offer tailored decarbonization solutions aimed at prioritizing the substitution of conventional feedstock with sustainable alternatives. 

Biofuels and Bio-Feedstock Solutions for Scope 3

Enhance the sustainability of your chemical production processes by incorporating biofuels and bio-feedstock options. This strategic approach effectively reduces Scope 3 emissions, aligning your operations with eco-friendly practices.

Renewable Electricity Sourcing for Scope 2 

Elevate environmental performance throughout downstream products and base chemical manufacturing through the adoption of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), like, GoOs, RECs, I-RECs and such, or Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs). Our comprehensive solutions target Scope 2 emissions, fostering a holistic approach to decarbonization.

Energy Efficiency for
Scope 1

Optimize energy efficiency within your operations, reducing Scope 1 emissions by purchasing White Certificates. These services are available in specific regions, enabling you to achieve emissions reduction goals.

EU ETS and Compliance Expertise for Scope 1

Comply with the different regulations, such as the EU Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS), Carbon Taxes, and CBAM. Through Vertis Environmental Finance, we assist in public climate disclosure, ensuring compliance, and meeting customer demands for environmentally friendly products, bolstering your brand’s reputation.

Neutralizing Unavoidable Emissions 

To address unavoidable emissions and complement your sustainability initiatives, consider neutralizing your emissions by financing carbon reductions and removals worldwide. This step further contributes to your commitment to environmental responsibility. 

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Comprehensive Emissions Management  

Achieve holistic reduction in Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, aligning with your sustainability goals. We are a one-stop shop, simplifying procurement for your convenience and contributing to a sustainable future. 

Long-Term Stability and Strategic Planning 

Secure a stable, long-term volume to empower your strategic planning. This enables you to effectively plan and execute your decarbonization journey, promoting long-term environmental stability. 

Tailored Expertise, Competitiveness, and Global Impact 

Benefit from cutting-edge industry insights and tailored solutions that optimize your chemical production processes. Our expertise in navigating regulations ensures both compliance and competitiveness.  



  • What are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the chemical industry?
    Greenhouse gas emissions in the chemical sector primarily stem from three scopes. Scope 1 (17%) covers direct CO2 emissions from chemical production and energy generation, while Scope 2 (7%) includes emissions from purchased electricity and heat. Scope 3 (76%) constitutes the largest portion, encompassing emissions from upstream processes like methane leakage during fossil-based input material extraction, transport, and refining/production. This scope also accounts for emissions related to product use and end-of-life treatment processes, such as waste incineration, landfilling, and plastics recycling.
  • How does renewable electricity aid in the decarbonization of the chemical industry?
    Scope 2 emissions can be mitigated by replacing fossil fuels for renewable electricity options, like power generation, heating, cooling, and electrolysis. Companies can procure Energy Attribute Certificates, like RECs, GOs or I-RECs, as well as Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs). 
  • How does renewable gas contribute to the decarbonization of the chemical industry?
    Renewable gas can significantly contribute to the decarbonization of the chemical industry by serving as a source for heating, cooling, power generation, and feedstock. It can reduce scope 1 and 3 emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and improve the industry’s brand image.